Congratulations on being elected a Sports Club Committee Member, just putting yourself forward is a great thing to so well done on getting this far! 

We're sure you have lots of questions about what your role is, how everything works and where on earth you should start!? 

We have pulled together all the documents we know you will need in order to be a successful commitee member and grouped them into relevant sections to make it easy for you to navigate (committee training, BUCS, AGM and elections, events and trips, finance and health and safety). 

Everything you need is here, but in case you have a question you can't find the answer to then please chat to our sports development coordinator 


committee training

here you can find a handbook for your role, have a read and make sure you know what is expected of you. we will also hold an in person training session that will take place before the start of term. every committee member MUST attend this training to ensure they are aware of all the relevant procedures (these can change each year) but it also gives an opportunity to plan your year with your fellow committee members






BUCS (British University and Colleges Sport) is the name of the leagues that some of our clubs compete in for weekly fixtures. 

Captains are expected to do match admin in their role, the information in the documents below available is a guide for the captains of the teams that compete on a weekly basis within BUCS. It also contains useful forms

that will help you in your role as capatian. 







 AGM and elections

here you can find all the guidelines and bye laws for your club, this is particularly relevant if you are Club Secretary. If you have questions regarding conducting online or offline elections, changing your

society's constitution, giving the sports office the correct committee details etc., you can find all the answers in the documents below.





events & trips

here you will find all the relevant information needed to plan your sport's events/trips and activities. running fun events consistently is a great way to recruit new members, raise awareness and money and provide socialising opportunities.

please do your best to submit these forms in a timely fashion, preferably a week before the event.






finance is one of the most important aspects of running your sports club and this section is useful for all treasurers and any member claiming back expenses. we know trying to wrap your head around finance systems can seem confusing. here you will find step by step guidelines to checking your society’s accounts, submitting finance requests etc.





health & safety

here you will find important forms regarding risk assessments. risk assessments are very important! they help to reduce the risks of accidents and ill health that can cause physical and financial trouble!

it is very important that a risk assessment is completed for sports events and gatherings. please make sure you have informed the sport's office of your event and they can advise you on what to do next.

here are some risk assessments to look at and use:





media resources

here you will find the Union's logos. you may use these on your promotional items like posters and banners.





request a meeting

here you can book a 1:1 meeting with the Sports Development Coordinator to discuss your sports club.