we’re a democratic organisation, which means each year we give you the power to decide who you want to run your Union. 

this means we are run by students, for students.

you’ll probably vote in more than one election each year – that’s because we have an entire system that needs filling by KU students. each different role represents a different student identity, activity or course, so we know we’ve got representation of all aspects of KU. 

at the top of our pyramid we have our trustee board - made up of 4 student trustees (elected by you each year), 4 external trustees and the 4 elected student officers. they make sure we’re doing our job & have the final say.

next up, your elected student officers who you vote for each year. 

the president is the elected student officer as the voice of the Union and in charge of bringing change. your current president is Samad Chaudhry (president@kingston.ac.uk)

the student opportunities officer looks into providing students with better opportunities, such as sports, societies and more. Hamzah is student opportunities officer (vpactivities@kingston.ac.uk)

the welfare officer focuses on everything to do with student wellbeing. this includes mental health and faith. Sarmmed is your welfare officer. (vpwelfare@kingston.ac.uk)

the education officer covers everything on your education experience, like working with course reps. your education officer is Abdullah. (vpeducation@kingston.ac.uk)

we’ve also got a student council who are elected through a number of ways. they’re responsible for bringing forward ideas (known as policies) to improve the way the Union and Uni does things check about student council here

we also offer representation to our sports and societies, through the Societies Working Group and Sports Working Action Group, to our liberation and campaign societies which provide spaces for underrepresented student groups and we also support academic representation by working with the university to manage the course rep system.