Chief Nurse Arlene Comes to Kingston University!

Tuesday 26-07-2022 - 18:53

Arelene Wellman, group chief nurse for ESTH and St. George's Hospital and new visiting professor, came to Kingston Hill Campus for a tour and to discuss various topics with the midwifery and nursing department.

Catherine and I attended as Midwifery Society Representatives and joined the discussion, "The student experience: ensuring appropriate support for students and staff." Others in attendance for this discussion included Pearl (our new PMA), Tina (senior midwifery lecturer), and several heads of the nursing department.

We discussed how Pearl's new role as PMA (professional midwifery advocate) can help midwifery students approach a non-biased individual with placement issues to find a way to tactfully approach sensitive issues, and get the support needed. *If you need to discuss anything about placement experience, and would like to talk with Pearl, she can be found in the midwifery offices in Kenry House, or you can reach her by email by typing her name.

Pearl and Tina spoke about the work they are doing to promote equality, diversity, and tackle racism within the university and in placement areas. Included in this was about different skin colours and recognising deviations from normal when performing our assessments on women and their infants. The paediatric nurse head spoke about "Don't Forget The Bubbles" and the resource they have shared from "Skin Deep", which seeks to tackle recognition of conditions in children and babies of various ethnicities.

Catherine and I shared how the Midwifery Society seeks to bring the cohorts together to share tips and support each other though conferences, socials, other events, and some of our plans for the coming academic year.

Arlene spoke about retention of nurses and midwives and how we can ensure that all midwives and nurses have the holistic approach to care that everyone deserves and how they can have the support they need to deal with challenging situations.

Overall, it was an interesting group discussion, and it was a privilege to meet Arlene and the nursing department leads.


Written by Rebeckah (MidSoc Treasurer)



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