so you want to nominate yourself for our Student Council but not sure how to write your manifesto… or what that even is! don’t worry we are here to help. 

a manifesto is a public statement of intentions, which simply means you are telling people what you are all about. in this case, you want to tell other students why you should be elected and what you would do in the role. think carefully about what you want to achieve and how that would impact other students. 

still stuck? check out our top tips below! 

  • start with who you are: it’s always good to start with you name, what course you study and a picture so students can easily recognise you! 

  • state why you are interested in that position: you can find out more about the positions here 

  • and tell voters why you want that role! maybe you have experience or skills that make you good for that role or you have good ideas that you think could make a difference. whatever it is, you need to tell voters what they can expect from you!

  • state your priorities and goals: you are probably full of really good ideas that you want to achieve but try and limit these to your main priorities and goals for the year! think about what issues might be affecting Kingston Students and what you could do to help them. but don’t promise unrealistic goals! 

  • insert some feeling: has something inspired you to run in the election? or are you just really passionate about something to do with your role? then tell your Voters! they want to know the person they are voting for actually cares! 

  • use clear and concise language: no one is going to read an essay on why they should choose you! keep it short and sweet and avoid long, complicated words – get to your point quickly! 

  • keep it to 200 words max!

  • be creative and inspiring

  • stick to the rules

still stuck?  email us at